Edinburgh Napier University Research Consent Form
Edinburgh Napier University requires that all persons who participate in research studies give their written consent to do so. Please read the following and sign it if you agree with what it says. 1. I freely and voluntarily consent to be a participant in the research project on the topic of “Student Perspectives on the Integration and Application of Generative AI in Scotland’s Programming Education”, to be conducted by Debion Barinia, who is a postgraduate student at Edinburgh Napier University. 2. The broad goal of this research study is to investigate student perceptions on the use and integration of Generative AI tools in programming education across Scottish higher education institutions. Specifically, I have been asked to fill an online survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. 3. I have been told that my responses will be anonymised. My name will not be linked with the research materials, and I will not be identified or identifiable in any report subsequently produced by the researcher. 4. I also understand that if at any time during the survey I feel unable or unwilling to continue, I am free to leave. That is, my participation in this study is completely voluntary, and I may withdraw from it without negative consequences. However, after data has been anonymised or after publication of results it will not be possible for my data to be removed as it would be untraceable at this point. 5. In addition, should I not wish to answer any particular question or questions, I am free to decline. 6. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the survey and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. 7. I have read and understand the above and consent to participate in this study. My signature is not a waiver of any legal rights. Furthermore, I understand that I will be able to keep a copy of the informed consent form for my records.
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Do you agree with the terms of this survey? By selecting "Agree" you will be taken to the survey, which shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete.
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