Literature, folklore and the environment

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Participant information

My name is Chloe Wood and I am an postgraduate student from the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University. As part of my degree course, I am undertaking a research project, titled ‘What is the impact of literature and folklore in nature connectedness? Exploring implications for conservation actions and environmental behaviour’.

The aim of this project is to explore how literature and specifically folklore might influence your conservation and environmental related activities and behaviours. It will also assess how connected to nature you are and look at how this relates to literature and folklore engagement. The results of this research may help how conservation practitioners and organisations use literature and media to connect people with nature.

I am looking for participants to take part in my research over the age of 18 years old. If you agree to partake in this research, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire which is composed of 5 sections and should take around 10-15 minutes to complete. You may withdraw from the questionnaire at any time until submission. Since all information is anonymous, it will not be possible to withdraw your questionnaire once it is submitted. All the information you give will be stored electronically on the Edinburgh Napier University Onedrive and backed up on an external hard drive in password protected folders for no more than 5 years. The information you give will be entirely anonymous and there will be no way to identify you in any report of the research findings. If you have any questions about the research, feel free to contact me or my supervisor.

If you would like to contact an independent person who knows about this project but is not involved in it, you are welcome to contact Dr Rory MacLean, Convenor of the school ethics committee.

Researcher: Chloe Wood Email:

Supervisor: Dr Kathy Velander Email:

Research Ethics Committee Convenor: Dr Rory MacLean: Email:


Edinburgh Napier University requires that all persons who participate in research studies give their written consent to do so. Please read the following and check if you agree with what it says.

1. I freely and voluntarily consent to be a participant in the research project on the topic of ‘What is the impact of literature and folklore in nature connectedness? Exploring implications for conservation actions and environmental behaviour’ to be conducted by Chloe Wood, a student at Edinburgh Napier University.

2. The broad goal of this research study is to explore how literature and folklore might influence your conservation and environmental related activities. Specifically, I have been asked to answer a questionnaire.

3. I have been told that my data will be anonymised. My name will not be linked with the research materials, and I will not be identified or identifiable in any report subsequently produced by the researchers.

4.I also understand that my participation in this study is completely voluntary, and may withdraw from it without negative consequences. However, after submitting the questionnaire it will not be possible for my data to be removed as it will be untraceable at this point.

5. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the project and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.

6. I have read and understand the above and consent to participate in this study. My agreement is not a waiver of any legal rights.