Music Psychology

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This study is designed to explore whether there are any similarities between couple defining songs. The findings of the survey will be useful in writing about the possible connection between love songs and will provide data for an honours year research project. I am looking individuals to volunteer to participate in the study. You must not be visually impaired or deaf, as you will be asked to listen to music and answer questions on the screen. I do not believe that there are any risks associated with this study, but you will be free to withdraw from the study at any stage, or to decline to provide an answer any of the researcher’s questions. All data will be anonymised, and it will not be possible for you to be identified in any reporting of the data gathered. The data collected will be transcribed and only myself (Molly Westbrook) will have access to these files. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Molly Westbrook. E-mail:
Edinburgh Napier University requires that all persons who participate in research studies give their written consent to do so. Please read the following and continue if you agree with what it says. 1. I freely and gladly consent to be a participant in the research project on the topic of ‘Our Song - Similarities between Couple Defining Songs’ to be conducted by Molly Westbrook, based at the School of Arts and Creative Industries, Edinburgh Napier University. 2. The broad goal of this research study is to explore participants responses to the piece. Specifically, I have been asked to complete a study, which should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. 3. I have been told that my responses will be anonymised, unless I waive my right to anonymity. My name will therefore not be linked with the research materials, and I will not be identified or identifiable in any report subsequently produced by the researcher. Participating in this study will in no way affect my marks/grades. 4. I also understand that if at any time during the study I feel unable or unwilling to continue, I am free to leave. That is, my participation in this study is completely voluntary, and I may withdraw without negative consequences. However, after data has been anonymised or after publication of results it will not be possible for my data to be removed as it would be untraceable at this point. 5. In addition, should I not wish to answer any particular question or questions, I am free to decline. 6. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the research and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. 7. I have read and understand the above and consent to participate in this study. By continuing with this study, you are consenting to the above conditions.