Covid-19 Hospitality Application

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You have been invited to take part in a research study concerning an application designed towards helping people use the hospitality sector during a pandemic, in particular the Coronavirus pandemic. This research will be conducted by George Helson, who is an Undergraduate student in the Edinburgh Napier School of Computing.

The purpose of this research:

This research is being conducted to gather information on what will best help people use the hospitality sector during a pandemic. The data will later be analysed to determine what kind of application can be made that would be most useful for this.


You are not required to participate in this study and are free to leave at anytime during the study. You may also decline to answer any questions you do not wish to answer.

What this will involve:

This study will involve a survey that will ask questions about previous experience you may have, as well as what would best suite you in an application. This survey should only take around 10 minutes to complete.

Why you have been selected for this:

You have been selected to do this study if you have used the hospitality sector during the Coronavirus pandemic. This means you are in the demographic of the people this application will be designed towards.

Risks in taking part:

All information gathered will be anonymized, which means you name will not be attached to any information you submit. Your name will not be used in any report later created about the data collected. This means there is no personal risk doing this survey, as no personal information will be used for it.

What happens to the information gathered:

The information gathered will be later analysed and made into a report and application wireframe regarding what will most benefit people in the hospitality sector during a pandemic. All data gathered is for internal use only.